Welcome to High Desert Photographers Camera Club located in Idaho Falls and serving the beautiful upper Snake River Valley in Idaho

Check out the talent in this group!  From our August Photo Review/Critique night.



The HDP Camera Club is thrilled to share the winning Idaho Falls Magazine cover image of their 2024 Community Photo Contest by none other than HDP Member Stacey Francis!  Check out the cool Youtube video narrated by Steve Smede by clicking the image below.  And a big shoutout to other HDP members who also placed in the contest including: Gary Billman, Angie Roach, Donald Ashcraft, Dave Spencer and Cory Brower.  Well done everyone! 



The Public is always welcome!

For photographers of all levels.
Meetings are on the second and fourth Thursday of each month unless otherwise noted.
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

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